Thursday, August 29, 2013

Cure Headaches and Migraines without Pills

There is a better solution for this continuous headaches than pills,since they just ease the momentary pain.instead of treating the real problem.

There are many natural cures for headaches,but the following juices will provide relied on cures for your chronic headaches and migraine.

1.GRAPE JUICE : Grape juices act as an effective home remedy fo migraine headaches but the juice that is used for the cure is juice of the grapes. All you have to do is add this juice to your daily use without adding any sweetener or sugar.

2.CARROT JUICE: Carrot juice is rich in Vitamin A.Vitamin A is an essential element that creates healthy tissue ans is perfect for helping with your vision.It also contain other imported minarals like potassium which is known to keep the cells in the body well-hydrated.

3.ORANGAEJUICE: Orange juice can get rid of toxins in the body that cause headaches and it will reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

For headaches, there are plenty of natural remedies for you to choose.

1. You can double espresso with a splash of lemon, a miraculous remedy for milder headaches since caffeine bloks pain transfer.

2. With soaking your feet in hot water also helps. A hot bath redirects your blood to your feet,so it relieves the pressure in your veins. With very severe headaches, you should add to hot water some powdered mustard.

3. Aromatherapy: The three main essential oils that help to relieve headaches are Roman Chamomile, Clary Sage and Lavender.

4. Apply an ice pack to painful area of your head.Try placing it on your forehead,temples,or the back of your neck. Ice is known to be one of the best anti-inflammatories.

5.Yoga and aerobic excercise help decrease stress and loosen muscles to alleviate tension headaches.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Old Hag' Syndrome is a terrifying sleep disorder

Old Hag' Syndrome is a terrifying sleep disorder that many people suffer from. Also known as 'sleep paralysis', sufferers often wake up in the middle of the night, unable to move or scream, but able to see, hear, feel and smell. It is often accompanied by strange smells, frightening sounds, apparitions of shadows or people, and a weight on the chest, making breathing difficult if not impossible.
It is caused by the hormones, which keep us paralysed while we sleep and thus preventing us from acting out our dreams, not ceasing function immediately when you wake up. It usually only lasts up to a minute.
I've had this happen twice in my life and it is honestly the most horrifying thing that I have ever experienced. If you've experienced this, please share your experience!

Top 6 Home Remedies for yellow Teeth

Top 6 Home Remedies for yellow Teeth:
  1. Baking soda is one of the best ingredients that you can use to get rid of your yellow teeth. You can make a whitening mouthwash with baking soda by mixing two tablespoon of baking soda with one cup of cold water.
2. Strawberries contain good amount of vitamin C, which help in making your teeth whiter. Take a few strawberries and grind them to make a paste. Now use this paste to rub your teeth gently. If done twice daily for a few weeks, the yellow tinge on your teeth will vanish.

3. The bleaching property present in lemon can also be used to get rid of yellow teeth. In fact, gargling with lemon juice and scrubbing teeth with lemon peel is also one of the best ways to make your teeth white.

4. Apple is a kind of crunchy fruit that can scrub your teeth like a toothbrush and make your teeth look whiter than before.

5. Salt is one of the fundamental dental cleansing agents used since ages as it helps to replenish the lost mineral content of the teeth and help them to regain their whiteness. You can use common salt regularly each morning as a toothpowder instead of toothpaste.

6. You can also clean your teeth with fresh orange peel on regular basis in order to reduce the yellow tinge accumulated on your teeth.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Possibly the Most Eye Opening 6 Minutes Ever on Film

This six minute video will open your eyes to a world normally hidden from cameras. A hard hitting dose of perspective of what unsustainable demand looks like.

Warning: You may have a feeling of emptiness inside after watching.

You may have a feeling of emptiness inside after watching.

Chinese Boy with Ability to See in Pitch Black Stuns Medics

young Chinese boy who was born with beaming blue eyes has stunned medics with his ability to see in pitch black darkness.

Nong Yousui from Dahua, China has eyes that reflect neon green when light is shined on them. Doctors have studied Nong's amazing eyesight since his dad took him to hospital concerned over his bright blue eyes.

"They told me he would grow out of it and that his eyes would stop glowing and turn black like most Chinese people but they never did", his Dad said.

Nong enjoys playing outside with his schoolmates but experiences discomfort when in bright sunlight, however can see completely clearly in pure darkness.

To test his abilities, a Chinese journalist prepared a set of questionnaires which he was able to finish while sitting in a pitch black room. The tests show Nong can read and write perfectly without any light and can see as clearly as most people do during the day.

According to the World Record Academy (the leading international organization which certify world records), Nong has even set the world record for the first human who can see in the dark.

In animals, night vision is made possible by the existence of a thin layer of cells, called the tapetum lucidum. And like a Siamese cat, Nong's sky-blue eyes flash neon green when illuminated by a flashlight.

Nong's night vision has sparked interest around the world by vision scientists, evolutionary biologists, and genetic engineers. And this is good news for science as we may eventually be able to use genetic technologies to deliberately create such a condition ourselves.

A new and growing generation of extraordinary and gifted children are springing up across our planet.

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