Sunday, December 21, 2014
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Here's What Happened To A 5-Year-Old Girl Who's Already Consumed 1460 Sodas In Her Short Lifetime
“One, two, shhhh, she's
counting. Ariel runs, tiny legs waddling across pavement, her chubby
fingers barely able to grasp her daily Pepsi, she runs.
Poison in hand, smile on face, looking for hiding spots, three. Ariel stops, she takes a sip. She's already consumed 1460 sodas in her lifetime, she's 5. She runs, inhaling deeply as her lungs try to catch up with her feet.
Kayla's 35, 4, 5, she counts the lights hanging from the hospital roof as she's rushed to surgery, they flicker above her as she tries to remember every memory she's ever had involving her feet, but her mind won’t let her wander from this moment, this second, this flickering light, a hush whisper, the last moment she'll have with her feet. She blames it on her diabetes, as if this disease has a mind of its own. Doctors blame it on the 4410 Pepsis she’s been drinking since childhood.
Little Ariel can barely spell, she's 6, and knows nothing about fructose or dextrin but neither does Kayla. Beaten, living in a broken home, she just keeps trying to find pieces of herself at the end of that bottle. Ariel only knows the sizzle of bubbles, the aches she feels in her tummy, the big words doctors use to describe her condition. They tell her mom that her kidney's are failing, her blood sugar is too high, the pain she feels that mommy can't fix because mommy's been surviving off of ramen and sodas because mommy can barely afford to live.
Kayla sits back in her wheelchair trying to look over her stomach but she can't. She can't see the stumps, the spaces where her feet used to be, she can't see herself, when she looks at the reflection staring back at her she's just a person she turned into but she can't stop, bottle after bottle she can't stop, 6, 7. When Ariel turns 7 they see her dying behind overstuffed teddy bears and deflated balloons, it was her birthday. 8, 9, I've heard of death before, but I swear, there's something foreign about the way it creeps to the lips of a 7-year-old, 10.
Every 10 seconds someone dies from diabetes, and in the time it's taken me to recite this poem, 15 people will die.”
This haunting spoken word poem comes from The Bigger Picture, an organization spreading diabetes awareness.
I cried when I watched this video. A frightening reality planted itself in front of me as I remembered that my own grandmother had passed away from diabetes almost 20 years ago. She spent her last years injecting multiple daily insulin shots, in and out of a hospital bed 300 km away from her hometown. I remember my mother telling me that nan used to drink a lot of soda.
The implications of a disease are hard to fully grasp unless you or someone you love has suffered through it. But even more horrifying than my nan's sole story, is the fact that diabetes is a reality for millions of people worldwide at this very moment. In America alone, over 29 million people were diagnosed with diabetes in 2012. It stands as the 7th leading cause of death in that country.
According to these statistics, Americans consume close to 50 billion liters of soda per year, which equates to about 216 liters, or about 57 gallons per person. That is a colossal amount of sugar. And not just any sugar, but some of the worst we know of – fructose, in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).
Tragically, high fructose corn syrup, in the form of soda, has become the number one source of calories in the United States, and it is very clear that it is the primary cause of the obesity and diabetes epidemic.
Soda companies are masters at fooling customers and masking their products as fun, cool and delicious. Take this commercial for example:
The “Thin Line” spoken poem not only exposes the hard reality about diabetes, but it also raises attention around the specific socio-economic demographic who are commonly affected by this disease,
“Nearly 1 in 2 children of color born in the year 2000 will get diabetes in their lifetime.”
The truth is that most low-income families often end up spending what little they have on these junk food products because they don't have access to healthier options. The consequences are heartbreaking and pretty terrifying. With the ever-increasing cost of living and declining wages, more and more families are being forced into poverty as the middle class is being eradicated.
It may seem like common sense for some to stray far away from high-fructose corn syrup sodas, but a large majority of the population are not properly educated on the implications of poor nutrition, a vast percentage of these people being low-income families.
If someone you know consumes soda on a regular basis, be the one to supply them with the facts they need to know. Soda is an empty, modified can of death.
Raise your voice today and join the conversation about diabetes.
Poison in hand, smile on face, looking for hiding spots, three. Ariel stops, she takes a sip. She's already consumed 1460 sodas in her lifetime, she's 5. She runs, inhaling deeply as her lungs try to catch up with her feet.
Kayla's 35, 4, 5, she counts the lights hanging from the hospital roof as she's rushed to surgery, they flicker above her as she tries to remember every memory she's ever had involving her feet, but her mind won’t let her wander from this moment, this second, this flickering light, a hush whisper, the last moment she'll have with her feet. She blames it on her diabetes, as if this disease has a mind of its own. Doctors blame it on the 4410 Pepsis she’s been drinking since childhood.
Little Ariel can barely spell, she's 6, and knows nothing about fructose or dextrin but neither does Kayla. Beaten, living in a broken home, she just keeps trying to find pieces of herself at the end of that bottle. Ariel only knows the sizzle of bubbles, the aches she feels in her tummy, the big words doctors use to describe her condition. They tell her mom that her kidney's are failing, her blood sugar is too high, the pain she feels that mommy can't fix because mommy's been surviving off of ramen and sodas because mommy can barely afford to live.
Kayla sits back in her wheelchair trying to look over her stomach but she can't. She can't see the stumps, the spaces where her feet used to be, she can't see herself, when she looks at the reflection staring back at her she's just a person she turned into but she can't stop, bottle after bottle she can't stop, 6, 7. When Ariel turns 7 they see her dying behind overstuffed teddy bears and deflated balloons, it was her birthday. 8, 9, I've heard of death before, but I swear, there's something foreign about the way it creeps to the lips of a 7-year-old, 10.
Every 10 seconds someone dies from diabetes, and in the time it's taken me to recite this poem, 15 people will die.”
This haunting spoken word poem comes from The Bigger Picture, an organization spreading diabetes awareness.
I cried when I watched this video. A frightening reality planted itself in front of me as I remembered that my own grandmother had passed away from diabetes almost 20 years ago. She spent her last years injecting multiple daily insulin shots, in and out of a hospital bed 300 km away from her hometown. I remember my mother telling me that nan used to drink a lot of soda.
The implications of a disease are hard to fully grasp unless you or someone you love has suffered through it. But even more horrifying than my nan's sole story, is the fact that diabetes is a reality for millions of people worldwide at this very moment. In America alone, over 29 million people were diagnosed with diabetes in 2012. It stands as the 7th leading cause of death in that country.
Think About The Sugar You Consume
According to these statistics, Americans consume close to 50 billion liters of soda per year, which equates to about 216 liters, or about 57 gallons per person. That is a colossal amount of sugar. And not just any sugar, but some of the worst we know of – fructose, in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).
Tragically, high fructose corn syrup, in the form of soda, has become the number one source of calories in the United States, and it is very clear that it is the primary cause of the obesity and diabetes epidemic.
Soda companies are masters at fooling customers and masking their products as fun, cool and delicious. Take this commercial for example:
The “Thin Line” spoken poem not only exposes the hard reality about diabetes, but it also raises attention around the specific socio-economic demographic who are commonly affected by this disease,
“Nearly 1 in 2 children of color born in the year 2000 will get diabetes in their lifetime.”
The truth is that most low-income families often end up spending what little they have on these junk food products because they don't have access to healthier options. The consequences are heartbreaking and pretty terrifying. With the ever-increasing cost of living and declining wages, more and more families are being forced into poverty as the middle class is being eradicated.
It may seem like common sense for some to stray far away from high-fructose corn syrup sodas, but a large majority of the population are not properly educated on the implications of poor nutrition, a vast percentage of these people being low-income families.
If someone you know consumes soda on a regular basis, be the one to supply them with the facts they need to know. Soda is an empty, modified can of death.
Raise your voice today and join the conversation about diabetes.
The Best Natural Teeth Whitening Technique That Can Transform Your Health, Recommended By Doctors
Oil pulling is an
ancient Ayurvedic remedy for oral health and detoxification. It involves
the use of pure oils as agents for pulling harmful bacteria, fungus,
and other organisms out of the mouth, teeth, gums and even throat.
How To Oil Pull
The most effective oil pulling is done by placing around a tablespoon of
cold pressed organic sesame oil into the mouth and swishing the oil
around the mouth for approximately 10-15 minutes and then spitting it
Other oils such as extra virgin cold pressed coconut, sunflower and
olive oil have been used, although sesame oil is considered one of the
best oils for this practice. It is recommended to alter oils every
couple of days to get the full benefit.
Putting high quality organic oils into the mouth has a multi-effect
First, the oils mix with the saliva, turning it into a thin, white
liquid. Lipids in the oils begin to pull out toxins from the saliva. As
the oil is swished around the mouth, teeth, gums and tongue, the oil
continues to absorb toxins, and usually ends up turning thick and
viscous and white. Once the oil has reached this consistency, it is spit
out before the toxins are reabsorbed.
What Does Oil Pulling Do?
Multiple scientific studies show the efficacy of oil pulling therapy.
One study shows that oil pulling with sesame oil can boost overall oral
health. Specifically, using sesame oil as an oral health agent helps to
reduce the amount of S. mutans (germ) count in both teeth plaque and
mouth saliva. Scientists believe that the lipids in the oil both pull
out bacteria, as well as stop bacterial from sticking to the walls of
the oral cavity.
Oil pulling may also increase saponification in the mouth, creating a
soapy environment that cleanses the mouth as vegetable fat is an
emulsifier by nature. Most interesting is perhaps the ability of oil to
cleanse out harmful bacteria, as well as reduce fungal overgrowth. These
oils also possibly help in cellular restructuring, and are related to
the proper functioning of the lymph nodes and other internal organs.
Additional benefits of oil pulling for oral health:
Overall strengthening of the teeth and gums and jaws
Prevention of diseases of the gums and mouth, such as cavities and
Prevention for bad breath
Potential holistic remedy for bleeding gums
Prevention of dryness of the lips, mouth and throat
Possible holistic treatment for TMJ and general soreness in the jaw
Benefits Beyond the Mouth?
Ancient Ayurvedic health practitioners believed that oil pulling could
reduce more than just diseases of the mouth and throat. Today, many
holistic practitioners tout its use for a variety of health concerns.
It is believed that these oils help the lymphatic system of the body as
harmful bacteria are removed and beneficial microflora are given with a
healthy environment to flourish. Because of this holistic perspective,
oil pulling has been used as a preventative health measure for many
other conditions.
Other possible benefits of oil pulling for overall health include:
- Migraine headache relief
- Correcting hormone imbalances
- Reducing inflammation of arthritis
- May help with gastro-enteritis Aids in the reduction of eczema
- May reduce symptoms of bronchitis
- Helps support normal kidney function
- May help reduce sinus congestion
- Some people report improved vision
- Helps reduce insomnia
- Reduced hangover after alcohol consumption
- Aids in reducing pain
- Reduces the symptoms of allergies
- Helps detoxify the body of harmful metals and organisms
Scientific Studies on Sesame Oil & Oil Pulling
Sesame oil is particularly high in the antioxidantssesamol, sesamin, and
sesamolin. It also holds a high concentration of Vitamin E and
polyunsaturated fatty acids. These antioxidants have been found to stop
the absorption of negative forms of cholesterol in the liver. Multiple
studies have shown the antibacterial capacities of sesame oil. These
studies support the use of oil pulling in the prevention of dental
cavities and gingivitis.
A 2007 study looking into the effect of oil pulling (with sunflower oil)
on plaque and gingivitis on oral soft and hard tissues. Results found
that after 45 days of oil pulling, subjects showed a statistically
significant reduction in gingivitis.
Another study, conducted in 2008 found a “remarkable reduction in the
total count of bacteria” in the mouth, and an overall marked reduction
in susceptibility dental cavities. The antibacterial activity of sesame
oil was also studied and found to have an effect on the Streptococcus
mutans in the mouth.
In fact, these studies showed an overall reduction of bacteria from 10
to 33.4% in participants, and after 40 days of oil-pulling, participants
were found to show 20% in average reduction in oral bacteria. Moreover,
half of all participants in this case study showed a drastic reduction
in susceptibility to dental caries.
Easiest Way to Whiten your Teeth
Here is one more fantastic tip. Peel off to get whiter teeth with the
banana peel. Minerals found on the banana's inside show an incredible
effect on teeth. The magnesium, potassium and manganese soak up into
teeth and then whiten them. This methodology is extremely simple to be
followed. Simply rub the banana's inside, gently for two minutes, around
your teeth. Soon, you will be able to find that the bananas would
become yellow and your teeth white.
Here's How To Eliminate Ants From Your Home Naturally
In the summer months
ants can be a real pest around the home and garden.
Here are some natural remedies using household ingredients to keep them at bay. Ants come into our homes in their search for food. Apart from the obvious advice of covering food, clearing up spillages and having garbage bins with lids here are some natural ways of beating their advance without using any harsh chemicals.
1. Baking Soda and Powdered Sugar
Mix together an equal amount of powdered sugar (also called icing sugar) and baking soda (formally called sodium bicarbonate). Place small amounts against the walls or in other areas where you would not normally walk but where you would normally see the ants. The ants will be attracted to the sugar and will eat some of it and collect more to take home to feed others, so all of them will get their share. Powdered sugar is essential, larger grained sugar will not work. This is because the sugar and baking soda powders are similar in size and, once mixed together, the ants cannot separate the two items, so, as they eat the sugar, they will also ingest the baking soda, which they would otherwise avoid. Once the ants eat the baking soda it will react with the formic acid in their stomachs and cause gas. The bodies of ants are unlike humans and they cannot eliminate gas so it will build up inside and eliminate them.
2. Vinegar
Classic vinegar is effective in getting rid of ants. Simply spray their entry paths with vinegar and they will be repelled by the strong odor. Include corners, counter tops, sinks and window ledges. Allow the vinegar to dry. Apple cider vinegar can be mixed in equal measures with water and spray as before. This does not kill them but it will stop them returning. Adding a few capfuls of vinegar to your floor cleaner on tiled floors also helps in keeping them at bay. A more fragrant option is to mix vinegar, dish detergent and a few drops of peppermint oil. Usually spraying this once around the affected zones should leave these areas ant free for a season.
3. Salt Or Pepper
Table salt is the one of the best and the cheapest way to get rid of ants. Use ordinary table salt not health boosting Himalayan salt. Simply boil water and add a fairly large amount salt to it, stirring until it is dissolved. Pour into a spray bottle and spray where you usually see the ants. This also works with cayenne and ground black pepper.
4. Soap
Regular dishwashing detergents are very harmful to ants. The soap components break down in waxy layers of the pests’ exoskeleton, causing dehydration. Mix soap with water and spray it in the entry points.
5. Lemons
Lemon juice is the enemy of ants as the acid interferes with their internal tracking capabilities. Either pure lemon juice can be sprayed around the entry points, or mix some fresh lemon juice with water and spray around the affected zones in your kitchen.
There are several household products that repel ants as opposed to killing them. By using these at entry points you will create a repelling barrier that they will not cross. These include :
Here are some natural remedies using household ingredients to keep them at bay. Ants come into our homes in their search for food. Apart from the obvious advice of covering food, clearing up spillages and having garbage bins with lids here are some natural ways of beating their advance without using any harsh chemicals.
1. Baking Soda and Powdered Sugar
Mix together an equal amount of powdered sugar (also called icing sugar) and baking soda (formally called sodium bicarbonate). Place small amounts against the walls or in other areas where you would not normally walk but where you would normally see the ants. The ants will be attracted to the sugar and will eat some of it and collect more to take home to feed others, so all of them will get their share. Powdered sugar is essential, larger grained sugar will not work. This is because the sugar and baking soda powders are similar in size and, once mixed together, the ants cannot separate the two items, so, as they eat the sugar, they will also ingest the baking soda, which they would otherwise avoid. Once the ants eat the baking soda it will react with the formic acid in their stomachs and cause gas. The bodies of ants are unlike humans and they cannot eliminate gas so it will build up inside and eliminate them.
2. Vinegar
Classic vinegar is effective in getting rid of ants. Simply spray their entry paths with vinegar and they will be repelled by the strong odor. Include corners, counter tops, sinks and window ledges. Allow the vinegar to dry. Apple cider vinegar can be mixed in equal measures with water and spray as before. This does not kill them but it will stop them returning. Adding a few capfuls of vinegar to your floor cleaner on tiled floors also helps in keeping them at bay. A more fragrant option is to mix vinegar, dish detergent and a few drops of peppermint oil. Usually spraying this once around the affected zones should leave these areas ant free for a season.
3. Salt Or Pepper
Table salt is the one of the best and the cheapest way to get rid of ants. Use ordinary table salt not health boosting Himalayan salt. Simply boil water and add a fairly large amount salt to it, stirring until it is dissolved. Pour into a spray bottle and spray where you usually see the ants. This also works with cayenne and ground black pepper.
4. Soap
Regular dishwashing detergents are very harmful to ants. The soap components break down in waxy layers of the pests’ exoskeleton, causing dehydration. Mix soap with water and spray it in the entry points.
5. Lemons
Lemon juice is the enemy of ants as the acid interferes with their internal tracking capabilities. Either pure lemon juice can be sprayed around the entry points, or mix some fresh lemon juice with water and spray around the affected zones in your kitchen.
There are several household products that repel ants as opposed to killing them. By using these at entry points you will create a repelling barrier that they will not cross. These include :
- cinnamon (both ground and in oil form)
- chili powder
- cayenne pepper
- chalk
- cornmeal
- baby powder
- black pepper
- ground coffee food grade diatomaceous earth
- lavender and mint sachets in closets, drawers, pantry, etc. repel ants
Friday, August 15, 2014
Firefox problem "This Connection is Untrusted" error message appears - What to do - Solved
I have used my firefox browser for years without any problems. Few days all the sites I go to give me the warning message that "This Connection is Untrusted." I can no longer access email or any website i used to visit daily - nothing works. Even when I click that I understand the risks and verify the certificate, I can still only get so far- but it's never all the way to where I need to be.
i searched for solution for 2 days waiting replies from support and forums members
Until i found this solution in this very short video :)
so, i shared it here to all because it was very simple solution